
Music as a social therapy

Since 2003, Angelika has been an ambassador for Kindernothilfe and has repeatedly worked in Kindernothilfe projects on site in Brazil, Haiti, Kosovo, Rwanda and Sri Lanka, among others.

In the same year Salut Salon took over the sponsorship of the music school Escuela Popular de Artes in Chile in cooperation with Kindernothilfe. Founded in 1997, the music school is located in the Achupallas slum near Viña del Mar, at the foot of Chile's largest irregular poor settlement. Many of the children do not even make it to school. They live in absolute poverty in makeshift huts that they have cobbled together themselves. The children's environment is characterized by unemployment, child labor, alcoholism, drug addiction, violence against children and women, and sexual abuse. In many cases, there is no electricity, no sewage system, no drinking water and no waste disposal system. Street workers from the music school help the children on site with their homework, cook a hot meal, sing and drum with them and enable many to learn a classical or modern instrument. 

The school's offerings range from early musical education to private lessons in classical and folk instruments, instrument making, and rehearsals of dance and music groups. As often as possible, performances and concerts take place in the school and outside, so that the children and young people can publicly demonstrate what they have learned. Music serves as social therapy here. Meanwhile, more than 300 children regularly receive free music lessons and are supervised by a team of teachers, psychologists and social pedagogues.

Salut Salon always collects money for the school after their concerts and has already been able to raise almost one million euros. Through the support of Salut Salon and the foundation "Chancen für Kinder" (Opportunities for Children), music lessons, instruments, catering, the work of the street workers, the construction and ongoing operation of the school and the entire orchestra work are financed and made possible.

In the meantime, many of the children have graduated (music, music pedagogy or a music-related degree) and thus created a professional perspective for their lives. Eight of them are now teaching at the school themselves, helping the next generation.

Salut Salon has given many concerts with the Chilean children in Chile - and in Germany the Chilean children have performed together with the Cool Strings and the Berlin Symphony Orchestra in the Berlin Philharmonic Hall, among other venues.

You wish to financially support our projects?

Just transfer your donation to the following account of the foundation “Chancen für Kinder” (Opportunities for Children). Your donation will be spend on the project 100%. The Foundation has no personnel costs since the board works voluntarily.

IBAN DE67 200 505 50 1503 2425 52

The transfer voucher works as a contribution receipt up until a donation of 300€.
The foundation will send a contribution receipt for bigger donations. Therefeore please write your name and address on the transfer form. The foundation happily includes you in the list of sponsors. If you do not want that please put down a note on the transfer form.

Thank you very much for your support!